Installing Components

All components that you can see on this site are available for you to install, for free, via the shadcn CLI, or by manually copying & pasting.

Installing with shadcn CLI

This is the recommended approach, but it comes with a depedency on shadcn/ui . That’s because, under the hood, this project uses the shadcn CLI to make it easier for you to install any component into your project, ready to use right away.

Components can be installed using your package manager of choice (npm, yarn, pnpm, bun), and is generally as simple as running the following command:

npx shadcn@latest add[component].json

If you don’t have shadcn/ui installed in your project, the above command will install if for you. Alternatively, you can install shadcn/ui first , and then run the above command.

Installing manually

If shadcn/ui isn’t an option for you, you can simply copy all of the code manually. This is a bit more work, but it should give you the same result.

Each component will have manual installation intructions on that component’s respective page.